Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Big Sea

I am reading a book about Langston Hughes called "The Big Sea". It is actually very interesting, it mentions a lot of information about his life. When he was a child and how he struggled because of his race. Langston Hughes said he wrote his best stuff when he felt bad not good.

Some of his poems are about facing adversity and learning how to overcome it. You can click on this link to read some of his work. If anyone is a fan of Langston Hughes, I suggest you read this book.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Want to join a Poetry Group?

A poetry reading club aims to enhance the reading of poetry. Does anyone belong to a poetry book club? If you do and have any suggestions you can forward them to

If you ever thought of starting or joining a poetry group. Every book group follows a format and here are a few possible topics for a meeting.

A Book of Poetry
A Close Reading of a Poem
A Poet
A Cherished Poem
Poems on a Particular Subject
Poetry Schools & Movements
Listening to Poetry
Poetry in Motion Pictures