Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Big Sea

I am reading a book about Langston Hughes called "The Big Sea". It is actually very interesting, it mentions a lot of information about his life. When he was a child and how he struggled because of his race. Langston Hughes said he wrote his best stuff when he felt bad not good.

Some of his poems are about facing adversity and learning how to overcome it. You can click on this link to read some of his work. If anyone is a fan of Langston Hughes, I suggest you read this book.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Want to join a Poetry Group?

A poetry reading club aims to enhance the reading of poetry. Does anyone belong to a poetry book club? If you do and have any suggestions you can forward them to

If you ever thought of starting or joining a poetry group. Every book group follows a format and here are a few possible topics for a meeting.

A Book of Poetry
A Close Reading of a Poem
A Poet
A Cherished Poem
Poems on a Particular Subject
Poetry Schools & Movements
Listening to Poetry
Poetry in Motion Pictures

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Night Has a Thousand Eyes

Here's a new poetry link that discusses poems and can find any poem or poet your looking for. You can participate in contests, get your work published, and find out where other poets are performing.

Also check out "The Night Has a Thousand Eyes" by Francis Bourdillon to the lower right. I think this poem is beautifully written and expresses the psyche of someone who could go into a decline and die of requited love. Opinions?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Writing romantic poems

Click on this link below if you want to read romantic poetry. Or if you want to use it for your own personal reasons, it may work. It contains many different poems from various poets.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Here's a poem about relationships ( lower right). It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No Loser No Weeper

One of my favorite poets is Maya Angelou. Her poems always seem to send a positive message. "No loser No Weeper"(showed to the lower right) is one of my favorites because I think it's something everyone can relate to, especially woman.

Clearly the poem is not about a dime, watch, or toy; instead it is explains how she feels about losing a man because of another woman. You could speculate the watch and doll was given to Maya from this lover-boy that she feels like she can’t lose. When she realized that the doll and watch were lost, it was only a matter of time before her lover-boy would be lost too. Angelou then decided to express herself to the other woman. She lets her know that she knows about the relationship and informs her to keep her distance or else.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What is the meaning?

The poem "The Black Finger"to the lower right is a poem I am analyzing in my Harlem Renaissance class. A few of my classmates didn't like it because they couldn't understand it. Do you? What do you think it means?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

She walks in Beauty

"She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron is a poem I read two semester's ago. I like the poem because of its romantic vibe and it's beautifully phrased. I thought I'd share the poem with everyone, you can also see a discussion of why the author wrote the poem by clicking on the link above.

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Topic

I decided to change my topic from being a English major to what I like to write. I will try and posts some poems I've written as well as poems from my favorite poets. I thought I would use poems from other authors because I'm not ready for everyone to see my poetry yet. Also you'll have a sense of the type of poems I enjoy reading.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The english major

I never thought of a good topic to discuss, so I decided to write about being an english major. I'm taking four english courses this semester, which are the only classes I need to graduate. So far they been going well, but we'll see as time passes.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Welcome to my post

Not much to say yet, but hopefully I will the next time you visit.