Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No Loser No Weeper

One of my favorite poets is Maya Angelou. Her poems always seem to send a positive message. "No loser No Weeper"(showed to the lower right) is one of my favorites because I think it's something everyone can relate to, especially woman.

Clearly the poem is not about a dime, watch, or toy; instead it is explains how she feels about losing a man because of another woman. You could speculate the watch and doll was given to Maya from this lover-boy that she feels like she can’t lose. When she realized that the doll and watch were lost, it was only a matter of time before her lover-boy would be lost too. Angelou then decided to express herself to the other woman. She lets her know that she knows about the relationship and informs her to keep her distance or else.


GaryJ said...

Ah cool. Sounds like a cool poem. Could you post it next time?

Yanizie said...

I like Maya Angelou myself I don't read a lot of poetry. I really got to know who she was in the small roles in movies she has done and even then she has always had something positive to say I think thats why people look up to her.

Anyway I like the poem I really hate to lose things myself.

Anonymous said...

Nice poem, even though I don't read a lot of Maya , but I used to hear her read sometimes on TV. I don't usually loose things and would hate to expecially if it's is sentimental. What happen to the Black finger poem?

Dayna von Dyke said...

oh, hey, uhm, thanks for using my poem on your blog.

Unknown said...

The beauty we love is very silent. It smiles softly to itself, but never speaks. See the link below for more info.
